Why September is the Perfect Time to Review Your Life Insurance Needs

Hey there, it’s Don, your insurance guy, taking a break from my desk and soaking in this cool breeze. As I was sitting here, I realized something—can you believe it’s already mid-August? September is just around the corner, bringing with it all the things we love about fall. We’re talking cooler weather, the excitement of football season, and yes, those amazing rib cook-offs. But while September brings us these enjoyable moments, it also brings something more serious that we should all take a moment to consider—Life Insurance Awareness Month.

I know, I know, death isn’t exactly the most fun topic to think about or discuss. But the reality is, it’s something that touches all of us at some point. Life Insurance Awareness Month is here to remind us to take a closer look at our life insurance needs.

So, why is this important? Well, whether you’re 25 or 75, there’s likely a reason you need life insurance. Have you recently bought a new home? Do you have young children that you want to make sure are financially protected if something happens to you? Are you and your spouse approaching retirement? Life insurance can play a crucial role in all these scenarios.

I encourage you to take just a few minutes to evaluate your current life insurance situation. Ask yourself, “Do I have life insurance? If I do, do I need more coverage, or maybe less?” It’s essential to assess your needs regularly, as life changes can significantly impact the amount of coverage that’s right for you.

If you’re unsure about what you need or if your current policy still meets your goals, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always here to help, along with my team at the agency. Mark and I would be more than happy to sit down with you, review your options, and make sure you’re covered the way you need to be.

Thanks for taking a moment to consider this important topic. Remember, I’m Don, your insurance guy, and I’m here whenever you need to talk about your life insurance needs. Stay safe and enjoy the upcoming fall season!