Celebrating 18 Years of INtegrity First Corporation!

It’s hard to believe that 18 years have already passed. We often say, “My, how time flies,” but this year, it really hit home for me. June came and went in a flash, and with it, our 18th anniversary. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily operations, it’s easy to let important dates slip by. But this milestone is too significant to overlook.

Over these years, we’ve grown, adapted, and continually strived to serve you better. I look at the color of my hair now, and it’s a clear sign of the time that has passed! Yet, despite the changes, one thing has remained constant: our unwavering commitment to you, our clients.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Whether you’ve been with us from the very beginning or joined our family of insured just recently, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you. Your trust and support are the foundation of our success. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and meet your insurance needs.

Each one of you plays a vital role in our story, and we are honored to be a part of your journey. We strive to treat all our customers like family, providing personalized and dedicated service.

Looking to the Future

As we celebrate this milestone, we’re also looking ahead to the future. The past 18 years have been incredible, but we are committed to making the next 18 years even better. We will continue to innovate, improve, and ensure that our services meet your evolving needs.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, knowing that Integrity First Corporation is here for you. And remember, I’m Don I, your insurance guy, ready to serve you for many more years to come.

The Essential Guide To Password Managers

Passwords – it’s a topic that gets discussed a lot, but surprisingly, many people still don’t use effective methods to manage their passwords.

A Common Mistake: The Post-It Note Dilemma

Let me tell you about an experience I had recently. I was at a client’s office, helping him complete an application that required access to his bank account. He turned around, grabbed a yellow Post-It note from his credenza, and handed it to me. I was taken aback. He had his banking password scribbled on that little piece of paper!

I didn’t say anything at first; we completed the application without a hitch. But before I left, I couldn’t help but bring it up. “You know,” I said, “there’s a much better way to keep track of your passwords.” He shrugged it off, saying it was no big deal and that he only wrote down the passwords he used the most.

The Risks of Traditional Password Storage

Storing passwords on Post-It notes or in a notebook in your desk might seem harmless, but it’s fraught with risks:

  • Easy Access for Intruders: Anyone who gains access to your office can easily find your passwords.
  • Loss or Damage: A Post-It note can fall off, get thrown away, or simply be misplaced, leaving you locked out of your accounts.
  • Lack of Security: Physical notes don’t offer any encryption or security features, making it easy for anyone to steal your information.

The Solution: Password Managers

That’s where password managers come in. A password manager is a digital tool that securely stores and organizes your passwords. Here’s why you should consider using one:

Benefits of Password Managers

  1. Security: Password managers use strong encryption to keep your passwords safe.
  2. Convenience: You only need to remember one master password to access all your accounts.
  3. Password Generation: Many password managers can generate strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts.
  4. Accessibility: Access your passwords from any device, anywhere.

How It Works

You enter all your accounts and passwords into the password manager, and it keeps them securely stored. The best part? It can create complex passwords for you, significantly enhancing your security. All you need to remember is one master password, and the password manager does the rest.

My Personal Experience

I use a password manager myself, and it has been a game-changer. No more scribbling passwords on sticky notes or worrying about losing access to my accounts. It’s a great tool, and I genuinely believe everyone should look into it.

So, if you’re still using Post-It notes or notebooks to store your passwords, it’s time to make a change. A password manager is a small investment for a huge payoff in security and peace of mind.

Stay safe online, and remember, I’m Don Ivol, your insurance guy.